
What Are E³ Services?

We are focused on creating memorable virtual experiences across the spatial web. Our multi-disciplinary team delivers what we call our E³ Verticals: Education + Enterprise + Entertainment.  

Our experiences are designed to incorporate cutting-edge technology, advanced pedagogy, and light-hearted, casual entertainment.

The WakingDreamXR Team


Steve Lewis


Steve Lewis is a ‘spatial tourism’ pioneer and XR consultant with 20+ years of experience in the hospitality and theme park industry. His current interests include Social VR, Spatial Computing, and AI with a specific focus on Digital Narrative Storytelling.

Steve is an ambitious, strategic operations leader and the Creative Director for Slewpiter Productions, a Digital Media Company, as well as a Customer Success & Business Relationship Liaison at ENGAGE XR, Ltd. 

He develops strong relationships through communication and collaboration and has produced a number of XR Experiences on multiple virtual reality platforms including, ENGAGE XR, FrameVR, and ALTSPACEVR.


Alex Kohli

Founder | CEO | Imagination Officer
Head of Design

Alex is an artist, designer, and musician. He started out working in Chicago in film and television in the early ‘90s. Seeing his film degree from Syracuse University becoming quickly deprecated as the Digital Revolution caught fire, he began to teach himself the emergent tools and technologies needed to keep up and excel in new ways. Self-taught 3D modeling and animation, compositing and visual effects, electronic music composition and audio design, new camera technology and non-linear video editing, interactive design and the various means of deploying it, has led to a decades long career serving Fortune 500 brands with Emmy™ Award winning animation and graphic design.

He is also the owner of Kohli Marketing Design LLC, a Phoenix-based design company that has been providing medical illustration and animation, along with sales & marketing services for corporate and commercial clients. Alex has created pre-visualization and design work for public art installations, mutant vehicles and mobile sound stages (deployed at Burning Man, Electric Daisy Carnival, and Bonnaroo), as well as a number of spectacular live engagements including large scale animated video mapping and pyrotechnics in collaboration with companies like Walter Productions and Multi Image Group over the years.